by admin | Feb 6, 2023 | Leaflets
Beehives In not a too distance past before the development of the sprawling cities and metropoles people were part of the journey through the seasons and their particular challenges, especially those people who were dependent on their land for daily sustenance. ...
by admin | Sep 23, 2022 | Leaflets
Prana: The Vital Energy Individual and cosmic pranaIn most of the yogic texts, the term prana is associated with the lifeforce or bioenergy. Many people even use the word prana for oxygen, confusing it with the subdivision of prana vayu, which regulates the heart and...
by admin | Nov 9, 2021 | Leaflets
How Energy Influences Matter The Earth is a magnet. Your body is also a magnet. Ancient cultures, especially Asian cultures, have known this for thousands of years. Your north pole is your mind and brain, and your south pole is your body at the base of your spine....
by admin | Aug 12, 2012 | Leaflets
The Chakra System and Modern Levels of Development Part 1 The chakra system describes the energetic structure through which we organise our life force. There are all sorts of ways to understand and demarcate human development and there are therefore different kinds of...
by admin | Jul 14, 2012 | Leaflets
Calming Effect Of The Shoulderstand And Bunion Advice One of my students has enthusiastically offered to help with the birthing and layout of a regular yoga leaflet, which will highlight some of the many underlying aspects of yoga practice. It can also include...
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